Monday, November 28, 2011


"__"SALAM...tetiba rase nak blogging la pulak*cause lepas ni takde nak blogging2 dah(sebab i'm gonna be stuck @that freaking place a.k.a sepintar)~SIGH~tambahan pula...tahun depan kan [SPM]..JENG3X HAHA!!..tetiba kan tengah BIOL skang ni sebab baru lepas bace biology*(haha..get it?? biol~biol-logy??funny right) and then aku tetiba ingat kat falihah(YESS YOUU!FALIHAH!!)*mesti dia bangga>,dulu time kitaorang kecik(form 123*kecik la sgt)..time tu dia obsessed sangat dengan HLOVATE tau..pastu dia pun pasang cita2 nak jadi doktor(FIFI pon same,dia nak jadi doktor org bersalin*cehh.tgk darah pon xbleh)and then aku pulak..ntah la..kejap nak jadi doktor laa..astronomist la..tak suka pikir la..pastu we took our PMR exams..fifi,falie and i got 8A's ...tak lama lepas tu..baru aku sedar...yg PMR TU..IS NOTHING REALLY..well maybe it's something..a friend of mine said "UPSR IS NOTHING,PMR IS SOMETHING,SPM IS EVERYTHING'~joana nor rashidah~*mesti ko bangge en aku quote kau dlm blog ni??;P..anyway..saya rasa..pmr tak menentukan masa hadapan...maybe it can get you to a better school(like in my case) can i get to my point???my point is that..your life won't always turn out the way you pictured you(falihah)..cita2 ko nak amek bio..ko sibuk cerita kat aku pasal bio*yg kakak ko blaja(human digestive system la segala bolus ,duodenum laa..enzymes la..)tapy last amek account...out of us and dieja je yg amek bio..tapi rasa macam missing out plak(tmbh2 aku dah pindah skolah)mula2..macam tak boleh nak face reality(homesick ,meltdown sekali)pastu bila pikir balik...manusia hanya boleh plan ..tapi Allah yang menentukan(walaupun dulu*tyme f3..i picture us studying bio together..jadi doctor sama2)..i learnt that once you made a decision you have to stick to it till the a man!!*err or a woman!!this whole year changed me*tak banyak sikit,tak sikit banyak...dari segi kematangan,the way i see things,my goals..i tend to look further..well takdelh sampai beranak pinak bercucu cicit..tapi matang la pokoknya..AKU DAH MATANG,kind of...i'm still the quirky,dorky,inscure, a bit pemalas,suka gaduh maryam nadhirah..but now i realised yang aku dah besar..and  i have a responsibility..huh that sucks..growing up..but its just something you have to do like it or not..aku pon rasa aku dah membebel panjang da ni..biarq pi lah!(mne ade org bce pon)*bagos gak;D~MAIN POINT I MISS U GUYS FIFI,FALIHAH,MJ,DIEJA,WANA,PIQA,WAWA..AND THE LIST GOES ON..I MISS MY SAMTTAJ FRIENDS,I EVEN MISS JAGUAR!!


"__"SALAM,   eeeeeiiii,so today my big brother Harith is going back to penang(university)..huhu~and then umi&abah took him to the bus station..baru je a few minutes umi&abah pergi dah ada orang datang(anak sedara and cucu sedara tok wan(cousins abah)hohoi!!you know how i am with strangers!!aku pon menngelabah lah..trus la naik atas..ttiba tok wan panggil"NADIRAH!!!BUAT TEH NI ORANG MAI!!!"aduuh time ni jugak orang nak mai!!ishhhhh....and *actually time tu umi suruh tengok ikan goreng*HANGUS"....and then maktok cakap"NADIRAH!!!IKAN HANG DAH HANGUIH DA NI!!"ADOOOIIII!!!.aku pon cepat2 la sarung tudung dengan pakai my disney pajama bottoms_nye...teerus turun nasib baik my big bro mamat(i call him) tolong  tgkkan ikan..thank you mamat<3..and aku pon buat la tea...pastu letak kat depan...and then tokwan ejek aku(sebab pakai sluar tidur and biar ikan hangus)eeeiii tokwann!!!kalau nak embarass-kan cucu takyahla depan orang(cucu sedara tok wan (cstw)*hensem la gak,da tua dah tapi still hensem)and the aku(dgn seluar kartun-nye)menjadi bahan ketawa(huhu~malu...panas telinga aku)and (cstw) pon gelakkan aku...aku apa lagi..CABOT!!!!naik atas..huhu tanak turun dah...hope i never see them again..*kalau dah family mesti jumpe lagi(noooooooooooooooooo!!!)tu jelah bye;P

Saturday, November 26, 2011


"__"SALAM, haritu i watched the DUGGARS and i am amazed!!!they have 19 kids and pregnant lagi!!bapaklah ramai anak diorang..GILA TAHU TAK???!!!dah macam KILANG ANAK pon ade...rumah diorang gila punya besar..washingmachine sampai lapan biji!!8 biji!!!gila!!tapi walaupun macamtu..they carry on with their daily lives like anyone else..they have chores,homeschooled,makan..semua macam biasa..cuma size diorang maybe 10X...tapi bila pikir balik best ape family besar!!*maybe korang pikir (mesti rumah aku macam zoo anak )tapi actually,anak2 mereka sangat baik,sopan,dengar kata,kerja keras,and alot of fun*did i mention diorg xde tv,internet,xbox,psp...etc....tapy boleh still find ways to have fun..tu lah nowadays lack in creativity*including myself..maybe sebab kita xbanyak gune otak..semua bende terus dapat je..betol tak??anyway..mereka very devoted christians and they teach their children christian values..*(macam keluarga islamic la) the conclusion is...big families rock..siblings aku 5 orang je*(je???)haha..taktahulah aku nak banyak anak ke tak bila dah besar..sakit dowh nak keluarkan baby ....ishh..ntala..wait and see je la...*lama lagi(enjoy zaman mude dulu!!!)*i mean blajar,perbaiki diri..untuk jadi manusia yang matang,beriman,berilmu..barulah bole jadi makbapak..btol tak??(poyo je*whatever malas nak delete)bye;D
percaya tak??aunty tu*(yg pakai baju biru&pgg baby)lahirkan semua bdk ni??gila tahu tak??


"__"SALAM.Actually cerita ni dah lame tapy..oleh sebab'RAIHAN ROSLAN'masih tak mem-blog lagi pasal bende i guess i'm the one yg terlebih-rajin+takde keje nak memblog here it after our DIAGNOSTIK EXAMS*susah giler(don't ask about my results)we *4JN went to Sungkai HOTSPRINGS..wohooo...nak cakap best..takdelah la best sgt..but it was nice to get out of that freakin' place..aka...sepintar!!!huhu...after  3 weeks studying our butts off!!*(exaggerating)we are FREE!!!! we got there..changed our clothes..and DIP..IN..THE WARM TAK BAWAK SELUAR LEBIH!pe lah aien..takdapat nak mandi ...mandi..mandi..mandi...teacher X ajak masuk..PRIVATE kitaorang( teacher)berendamlah...sumpah cakap glegile panas...and then dah la panas pastu mandi air sejuk plak..and it was;cold;hot;cold...after that pening..hoho..bagus sgt...and then we rode the bus the middle we watched (ehhh haramm)movie* siottt..haha...we stopped at tesco's for a bit..bought some stuff+took pics@the toilet* there it is..our one day-kindoff awesome trip!!!plus here are some highlights:

 *4JN BOYS pegi masak maggi gune air hotsprings tu;bluerkk
*tengok cerita *ehh haram dalam bas(bas ade tv)
*took picture of 2 pakcik cinas kat tesco


"__"SALAM.SO....this is kind of awkward,tak de bende nak cakap...anyway i'm just gonna say the first thing that comes to my the other day umi brought my sisters and i to subang know subang parade right??umi went to cookbooks section,so i was allowed to ponder around by myself *i wasn't afraid of getting lost cause i have a phone!!(yeah that's right)..and a PINK one too;D AHAH..i'm bragging(gelabah)..i was actually looking for a particular book(the lovely bones by alice seabold)*da ade movie dah!!!OK, aku dah tgk dah movie die baru nak bace buku die~hoho..tapi takpelah kan??anyway...punyelah dok cari..cari..dan mencari..and then the doni*my baby sister (bknnye baby pon.. 9 thn da pon)cakap'kakak..teman adek"so i was like "fine ,tapi kejap je tau"and idk about her but she seems to like malay books more..she went to the malay section and chose a book,aku tak prasan memula..then she showed me the book..title:cinta ape ntah..tapi memang terang benderang lah novel CINTAN..and i was like adooiii....adek tahu tak ni buku orng besar??adek kecik lagi find a book yang suitable ngan age kau!!mentang2 cover die comeL..pebendelahh...don't misunderstand...i don't have anything against malay novel*aku pon bace gak senanyer(tapi tkdela cintan-cintun...takpenah khatam novel tau tak..kalau bace pon skip untill the end~ending semua sama -kawen, dpt anak, happily ever after..etc..cliche' sgt lah*tapi tu la yg best kan??adooi dah melalut a..where was i??oh novelCINTANtu..anyway..i took my sister to the 'kids section' she picked an appropriate book for a nine year old..hahaha  tu je lahhh my story..tak best pon..that's just an average day of my average life..erghh  AVERAGE..hate that word;P